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DriverMax 9.32

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DriverMax is utility for managing hardware drivers (programs that govern the use of a specific hardware) on your Windows computer. It makes a quick scan to identify installed drivers and provide detailed report on technical specifications, version etc. Additionally, it can detect hardware without installed drivers and suggest relevant drivers. It has rich online resources for viewing all available drivers with ratings for easy comparability. You can register and open an account on DriveMax so as to keep up with latest driver updates and download easily to your computer. The interface is very user friendly and allows backup and restoring of all drivers in a single archive.

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- Scan and identify drivers on your PC with detailed reports.
- Identify hardware without drivers.
- Wizards to help backup and restore drivers.
- Keep drivers up to date by downloading latest drivers easily.
- Register and create an account to keep in touch with latest versions.
- View info on popular drivers and compare rating etc.
- Schedule scans and manage notifications.
- Easy user interface with clear tiled buttons.


- Closed source code.
- No portable version available.
- Monetizes users (contains advertising).
- The installer may contain third-party advertising.

System Requirements

- 800 MHz central processing unit.
- 64 Mb RAM memory or more.
- 16 Mb free hard disk space.
- 32 Bit or 64 Bit hardware architecture (x86 or x64).
- Operating system Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Homepage: drivermax.com
Developer: Innovative Solutions
Status: Adware Freemium
Paid alternative: Carambis Driver Updater
Detailed information DriverMax

Supported formats: Not available

Last updated: 22/05/2017 Update History
2017-05-22 12:16:28
2017-02-07 19:18:32
2016-10-31 22:07:58
2016-08-11 21:15:56
2015-12-18 18:44:55
2015-08-07 13:57:37
2015-06-09 20:52:32
2015-04-30 19:14:53
2015-04-22 22:00:18
2015-04-06 20:51:26
Complete list


Portable version: Not available